Grants aim to get more people hunting and fishing

Grants aim to get more people hunting and fishing

March 7, 2019 by

Grants aim to get more people hunting and fishing
Application deadline April 4

Groups that help people become hunters or anglers – or keep on hunting or fishing – can apply for grants from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

“Minnesota’s hunting and fishing tradition is still strong but we’re seeking to address a steady decline in the percentage of people who hunt or fish,” said Jeff Ledermann, DNR education and skills supervisor.

Priority in awarding grants will go to programs for new and diverse audiences and those with an ongoing impact rather than one-time events. Types of activities could include fishing or hunting educational programs, clinics, workshops, camps, or funding for fishing and hunting equipment and transportation.

“Potential applicants should know that this has been a very competitive grant process, so we’re advising groups to consider how their programs provide ongoing support for people who want to hunt or fish,” Ledermann said.

Groups may apply for this round of grants through Thursday, April 4. The grant program began in 2015 and this is the fifth round of grants. In this round, awards will range from $5,000 to $49,999. A total of $300,000 in grant funds is available in this fifth-round cycle. Funded projects must be located in Minnesota and completed by June 30, 2020.

As in the last round, there is no required funding match. Organizations are nonetheless encouraged to include a cash or in-kind match in their project proposal. In-kind contributions can be in the form of labor, materials, or services. Match amounts will be considered in the selection process.

To learn more about the DNR’s work in recruitment, retention and reactivation (R3), and to find grant application requirements, visit Details about the grant and a list of award winners can be found at the link under “Help others discover.”

Jeff Ledermann
Education and Skills Team Supervisor | Fish and Wildlife Outreach

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Rd N
St. Paul, MN 55155

Phone: 651-259-5247


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