Pheasants Forever Stearns County - 9

Welcome to the internet home of the Stearns County Pheasants Forever
A Local Pheasants Forever Chapter in Minnesota. Pheasants Forever (PF) is a non-profit conservation organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasant and other wildlife.
Since 1983, the Stearns County Chapter has raised over $8 Million for conservation and wildlife habitat projects, youth activities. Your continued support is essential to our habitat mission.
Please take a moment to explore our website and discover more about our chapter. You'll find detailed information on all our activities and upcoming events. If you are interested in becoming a member or interested in becoming more involved with our chapter we welcome you to connect with us. ENJOY!
Public Land to Explore
- Recreation Compass | Minnesota DNR ( Interactive make with public state and Federal land to hunt. Online phone Apps like On X Hunt are excellent in the field for finding public land or land owner names.
- Walk-In Access (WIA) Program | Minnesota DNR ( Walk in Access to hunt desingate private land. Be sure to buy the WIA Validation Stamp from DNR!
Your Membership to Pheasants Forever makes a difference! Your voice for the Outdoors and Conservation Matters!
About The Chapter
Pheasants Forever Chapter 9, a nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to the protection and enhancement of pheasants and the upland bird populations in North America. Please take a moment to read more about us by following the link below.
Join Our Mailing List
Want to know when a new wild life management areas open, Rooster Review is published, or other important happenings? Join our mailing list. We promise to keep your information private and only send messages with important information.